Ingredients Farming

On the land, you can install material production buildings to mine materials (Toolkit, Natural Fiber, Synthetic Fiber, and Sub-materials), and the number of buildings you can install depends on the land type. Material farming is an essential process in Altava Land's core economic system for creating fashion item NFTs.

Building Upgrades:

  • Buildings can be upgraded using $PTAVA.

  • Farming buildings can be leveled up through upgrades, increasing the production rate of materials per minute and the maximum amount of $FLT that can be charged in a single building, thereby enhancing the material production efficiency.

  • Buildings can be upgraded up to a maximum level of 25.

  • Upgrades generally take some time, but you can use the booster function to shorten the upgrade time and complete the upgrade immediately.

Building Types

LP Token Charging

  • Farming buildings operate by consuming $FLT to produce materials. When the charged $FLT is depleted, material production will be halted. Therefore, you need to manually recharge $FLT to the farming buildings whenever it is depleted.

Number of Buildings Installable by Land Type

  • The number of buildings that can be installed varies depending on the land size.

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